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My pen pal

2019年12月24日 14:30:11 访问量:304 作者:六(9)班 苏雯

My pen pal

Class 9 Grade 6   苏雯

I have a new pen pal. Her name is Lily. She is from Australia. We are both 12 years old. But she is taller than me. She is interested in Chinese and Chinese food. And I like English. So we can learn from each other. She likes cooking Chinese food, like dumping, mooncake, Chinese noodles and so on. Maybe she is cooking now! She likes watching news and reading science books in her free time. She is also good at sports. She wants to be a pilot in the future.

This is my pen pal. What a great girl she isDo you want to be my pen pal?





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